C/ Lago Constanza, 46
28017     Madrid

Tel: 91 408 16 25
Fax: 91 408 16 90

10:00 - 13:30 horas
14:30 - 17:30 horas
de lunes a viernes.


Ultra 35º y 45º
Ultra 35°

In 1989 J. C. Jésior (Ref. Jésior) demonstrated considerably reduced compression, smoother section surfaces and improved structural preservation thanks to the use of our ultra 35° knives. In the meantime, a large number of scientists have recognized the advantages of 35° knives, in particular for sectioning Lowicryls and non-homogenous specimens, as well as non-decalcified bone, dental materials, etc.

The ultra 35° knives are perfect for sectioning relatively soft materials research specimens including metals and polymers, as well as hard specimens such as semiconductors, superconducting oxides, catalysts, nano-crystalline ceramics, etc

The ultra 35° knife has demonstrated it's usefulness as a standard knife for the majority of applications in both biological and materials research.

The ultra 35° knife (in the triangular holder) with a cutting range of 100nm - 2µm is used for dry sectioning of epoxy or acrylic resin embedded biological samples, which need to be investigated by element analysis  and SIMS. The gliding of the sections on the dry knife surface is facilitated with the use of our Static Line II ionizer.

Ultra 45

Acknowledged as the appropriate knife angle for routine sectioning of both biological and material research specimens, it represents a balanced compromise between section quality and durability.

  Ultra 35° Ultra 45°
Cutting ranges:  30 - 200nm (standard biological applications)
10 - 30nm (Electron Spectroscopic Imaging ESI, 3D reconstruction, etc)
50nm - 1µm (alternating ultra-thin/semi-thin sectioning)
100nm - 2µm (dry sections for element analysis and SIMS)
30nm - 200nm
Available sizes: 1.5mm. 2.0mm. 2.5mm. 3.0mm. 3.5mm. 4.0mm. 1.5mm. 2.0mm. 2.5mm. 3.0mm. 3.5mm. 4.0mm.


Para información adicional de nuestros equipos, accesorios o productos llámenos al 91 408 16 25
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