C/ Lago Constanza, 46
28017 Madrid
Tel: 91 408 16 25
Fax: 91 408 16 90
10:00 - 13:30 horas
14:30 - 17:30 horas
de lunes a viernes.
En FEDELCO, S.L. puedes encontrar una gran variedad de pinzas para distintos usos que son muy útiles en cualquier tipo de laboratorio. A continuación, les mostramos una pequeña selección de nuestras pinzas más solicitadas.
Electronic & Microelectronic:
Flat, rounded tips, tweezer no. 2A, Length: 120mm, Width & Thickness: 1.50 mm x 0.20 mm.
Super fine tips, tweezer no. 5, Length: 110mm, Width & Thickness:
0.10 mm x 0.06 mm.
Simple, short, tweezer no. H, Length: 90mm, Width & Thickness: 0.17 mm x 0.10 mm.
Fine, long and narrow, tweezer no. SS 135, Length: 0.12 mm, Width & Thickness: 0.20 mm x 0.12 mm.
High Precision:
Tweezer no. 15AP To cut hairsprings, Length: 115 mm, Width & Thickness 10.50 mm x 8.50 mm.
Tweezer no. 3 Fine tips, Length: 120 mm, Width & Thickness: 0.17 mm x 0.10 mm.
Super fine tips tweezer no. 5, Length: 110 mm, Width & Thickness: 0.10 mm x 0.06 mm.
Curved tips tweezer no.7, Length: 115 mm, Width & Thickness 0.17 mm x 0.10 mm.
Biology & Microscopy Superfine tips:
Light, superfine, tweezer no. 55, Length: 110 mm, Width & Thickness: 0.05 mm x 0.01 mm.
Super fine tips, tweezer no. 5, Length: 110mm, Width & Thickness: 0.05 mm x 0.01 mm.
Superfine, negative, tweezer no. N5, Length: 108 mm, Width &
Thickness: 0.05 mm x 0.01 mm.
Superfine tips, Locking tweezer no. 5, Length: 110 mm Width &
Thickness: 0.10 mm x 0.06 mm.
Strong, ordinary, long, tweezer no. PP, Length: 135 mm, Width &
Thickness: 0.24 mm x 0.14 mm.
Fine, long, narrow, bent at 45°, tweezer no. SS/45, Length: 133 mm,
Width & Thickness: 0.20 mm x 0.12 mm.
Para información adicional de nuestros equipos, accesorios o productos llámenos al 91 408 16 25
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