C/ Lago Constanza, 46
28017     Madrid

Tel: 91 408 16 25
Fax: 91 408 16 90

10:00 - 13:30 horas
14:30 - 17:30 horas
de lunes a viernes.



Critical Point Dryers

Critical Point DryersCritical point drying is an established method of dehydrating biological tissue prior to examination in the scanning electron microscope. The technique was first introduced commercially for scanning electron microscopy (SEM) specimen preparation by Polaron in 1970. The original design concepts, which included a horizontal chamber, are still embodied in the design of the E3000 and E3100 systems.

A more recent addition to our product range is the K850 Critical Point Dryer with vertical chamber, which includes built-in heating and cooling. The larger K850WM model is designed to dry a 6” wafer.

E3000 Critical Point Dryerpulse aquí  para más información
E3000 and E3100 Critical Point Dryers
K850 Critical Point Dryerpulse aquí  para más información
K850 Critical Point Dryer
K850WM Large Chamber Critical Point Dryer (for 4” or 6” wafers)pulse aquí  para más información
K850WM Large Chamber Critical Point Dryer





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